Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best treatment for acne scar

« ...Your acne cream treatment should do a good job of ridding your face of the sebum oil and P-acne bacteria that is present when you use it, but it will do nothing to treat the underlying problem...toxins in your body. It may, indeed, provide you with a temporary solution, but to cure your acne, you must treat the internal condition, as well. Your acne cream treatment cannot do that!...
...But when I awoke on the fourth day, the day after the fast, I looked in the mirror and my acne was ALL gone. Only some old marks remained. And these disappeared after a few days. I was delighted, but my joy of being acne-free only lasted a few days, at which point my acne came back - as bad as ever....»
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«...Scarring is most like to happen if you pick at the acne, irritate it, or actually tear your skin. Acne scars typically last from around four months to a year and they will gradually disappear as old skin is replaced by new skin. But this isn't what happens all the time, though. In some cases, acne leaves the skin indented or discolored. If you have this kind of acne scarring, you need to start looking for ways on how to clear acne scars....»
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tags: acne treatment topical lotion stearic acid, what to do about scared acne, causes of facial cyctic acne

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